Pony Fly in a Fantasy World game

Pony Fly in a Fantasy World gamePlay

Pony Fly in a Fantasy World is a game of reflexes in which you have to keep your little pony in the air as long as possible. When you click/touch the screen, your pony will jump. You need to make it go through holes in walls. If you’re not accurate enough and your pony hits a surface, you lose.

Pony Fly in a Fantasy World, play free pony games, related games and updates online. Added on 2021/02/22, played 14 times. Author gd 12422. Rate this game

How to play Pony Fly in a Fantasy World?

Take control of an adorable small pony in a universe cute enough to die for and hold on as long as possible in this game that has a difficulty level in total mismatch with its theme… because yes, you hardly expect cute ponies in a game in which you tend to die every 30 seconds…

This game can be played on mobile phone or tablet. Scan QR code to play on mobile.

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